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Walter's Studio

This summer I taught a couple of courses. One was a global traverse of contemporary art practices and the second was on recent glass and ceramic art. I had great students for both.

In SILICA, the students viewed issues through a series of critical, curatorial, and historical lenses. We also looked at aspects of professional practice.

Of special interest was a series of Thursday afternoon artist talks at the Alfred Ceramic Art Museum. There, Hannah Thompsett, Chase Folsom, and Wayne Higby discussed their studio work and related curatorial practices.

We did a number of road trips to visit local studios including that of my friend Walter McConnell. He regaled us with tales of his recent installation at the Freer Gallery (the exhibition Chinamania) and also spoke of his forays into 3D prototyping. We saw work that is in preparation for his one-person show at the Bellevue Art Museum outside Seattle. Above is a corner of Walter's studio.

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