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All Workshops Include:   

Lecture Components

Participatory Exercises

Personal Critiques

Workshops are focused on professional development for artists. 

My course offerings are structured as group workshops and personal consultations, giving you the best opportunity to expand and excel at your professional practice.


As a longtime participant in the art world, I know that artists need a set of skills not traditionally covered in academia. These include specific writing strategies to promote their career—from composing engaging artist statements to producing winning grant applications.  My workshop offerings are structured as group workshops and personal consultations, giving you the best opportunity to expand and excel at your professional practice.

Curating Your Website

This workshop is for artists who would like to create or improve the texts needed to advance their careers online.  We will cover website design and documentation of studio practice.  All participants will produce three essential documents: resume, artist statement, and biographical summary.

Funding Your Career

Artists may support and expand their careers through fundraising and residency opportunities.  This workshop takes you through the process of writing an artist grant, from how to find the right program to polishing your submission. Participants will complete materials for a standard application including: a budget, personal statement, and project proposal.

Articulating Your Practice

This workshop helps you articulate your studio practice.  We will investigate different forms of writing for the professional artist:  sensual description to evoke your objects; close, visual analysis to highlight your inquiry; historical precedent to contextualize your practice, and phenomenological theory to highlight the encounter of your work.  

Writing A Review

This workshop is geared to anyone interested in learning the elements of good writing. I will lead students through all aspects of a writing assignment: brainstorming, outlining, and drafting.  This last section will be broken down into three units that detail the initial writing, grammatical editing, and final revision.  The workshop assignment may include such forms as a visual analysis or an artist statement. 



Schedule A Free Consultation

I work with the members of the host institution to tailor workshops and lectures to their constituents.  For example, my lecture, “The Phenomenology of Glass,” may be broadened to offer an array of critical approaches to contemporary practice—from visual description through contextual analyses, culminating in articulating the bodily encounter with the object or installation. 

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